Middle Manager Training

Middle Management Is a Balancing Act

Leading in the middle is challenging, but leadership training for mid-level managers can help.

If your mid-level leaders feel like they’re constantly being pulled in a million different directions, it’s because they are.

Middle managers must handle it all — connecting the overall organizational strategy to day-to-day tactical tasks — and effectively collaborating across functions to get work done. It’s not easy.

Leading from the middle requires being able to meet the demands from above, while providing resources to those below.We understand this challenge, and you can rely on our decades of global research and pioneering experience with middle management development programs to help mid-level leaders at your organization build the skills needed not only to succeed, but to thrive.

Leadership Training for Mid-Level Managers: Choose the Solution That’s Right for Your Organization

The longest-running middle management development program of its kind, our pioneering, world-renowned, flagshipLeadership Development Program (LDP)®addresses the specific challenges faced by managers leading in the middle.

With over 50,000 alumni over 5 decades, our life-changing leadership development training program for mid-level managers is built around developing the mindsets and skillsets needed for success: influence, communication, thinking and acting systemically, self-awareness, learning agility, and resilience.

  • Includes 360-degree feedback
  • Multiple personalized executive coaching sessions
  • Online or in person, with many available dates and global locations
  • Custom versions, scale-up options, and group discounts available

Retain your high-potential talent and prepare them for what’s next as you build your pipeline of future leaders.

Partner with us to bring our research-based, world-renowned leadership development program for mid-level leaders in-house. Let’s co-create a custom leadership training for your middle managers that’s focused on honing the competencies needed for your organization’s unique context and culture.

For maximum impact, explore options incorporating experientials, simulations, and360 assessments, and sustain the learning with wraparoundleadership coaching services. Together, we’ll craft a truly transformational middle manager development program.

  • Choice of face-to-face, online, or blended learning experiences

We offer a variety of research-based, provenleadership topic modulesto help you build and customize middle manager training for your organization.

Equip middle managers with the skills needed to succeed. Our world-class, research-based topic modules can be mixed and matched to provide targeted skill development.

You can craft middle manager development at your organization by combining our content modules on topics likepsychological safety,emotional intelligence,resilience-building,teamwork and collaboration,leading virtual and remote teams, and many more.

  • Proven, flexible modules can be combined into a custom learning journey for your organization
  • Can be part of a larger initiative or standalone

What Our Clients Are Saying

At CCL, we measure success by lives touched and impact made. That’s why the organizations we work with and the leaders we train consistently tell us the same thing: their experience with us isn’t just a game-changer, it’s a life-changer. Our leadership training programs for mid-level leaders have helped transform thousands of middle managers around the globe into the highly effective team leaders their organizations need.

But don’t just take our word for it — take theirs.

“As the pharmaceutical industry becomes increasingly competitive, even small differences in leadership competency and technical expertise can lead to highly differentiated outcomes in the marketplace. It is imperative that we accelerate the development of managers and better prepare them for senior leadership roles.”

Sissy McKee
Leadership Program Director
Boehringer Ingelheim

Developing Leaders Poised to Succeed in the Face of Change and Complexity

“One of the keys to success is the alignment between CCL’s core values and our principles. That level of alignment has ensured that every leadership initiative not only helps us develop great leaders, but also makes a significant impact to our business.”

Antoine Mangin
Chief Learning Officer
Mars Inc.

Mars & CCL: Reversing a Talent Drought while Generating Millions

Let’s Talk About Our World-Class Middle Management Training Programs for Your Organization

Our experts are here to help. Get in touch with us about bringing our proven, research-based middle management development program to your organization.

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Leadership Skills for Mid-Level Managers: Research & Resources

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Show up as the best version of yourself by aligning your values and behaviors. Become a more holistic leader with an intentional focus on weaving together these 4 facets of your life.

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What skills are most needed to be an effective manager? Our researchers have uncovered the most critical leadership competencies, using our extensive database of 360-degree feedback on strengths and weaknesses of mid-level managers around the world.

How Middle Manager Training Programs Can Help Your Mid-Level Leaders

Leading from the middle isn’t about a position. Mid-level managers may be divisional managers, senior directors, general managers, plant managers, regional managers, or even vice presidents. Equipping mid-level managers to not just workinthe middle, but successfullylead fromthe middle, is all about balance.

他们学习和如何erstand the “system” they belong to and take a more global perspective? And what about ensuring they have the boundary spanning and communication skills needed to provide direction, create alignment, and boost commitment — often across time zones leading virtual teams? With so much to juggle, how can they stay resilient and avoid burnout?

These mid-level leaders are the translators of your organization’s strategy, the messengers as well as the enforcers. Can yours handle the pressure? Are they ready to take on the challenges they face?

People discussing middle manager training
Transformative leadership training for mid level managers at the Center for Creative Leadership

Mid-Le变革领导力培训vel Managers

Our flagshipLeadership Development Program (LDP)®is the most widely known and longest-running middle management development program of its kind anywhere in the world. For over 5 decades, this transformational middle manager training program has helped over 50,000 alumni around the globe to develop the skills, understanding, and clarity needed to succeed and advance in their careers. Consider this: investing in your leadership pipeline now will pay dividends as middle managers take the next step to become a part of your organization’s executive leadership team.

Whether you’re looking to uplift and transform all your mid-level leaders, or targeted, scalable programs to develop your middle managers, we offer a variety ofhuman-centered, research-backed solutions for every budget,available both virtually and in-person. Choose from our time-tested middle manager training programs, or let us craft a custom engagement for these leaders, complete with personalized, transformativeleadership coaching.

Frequently Asked Questions About Middle Manager Training Programs

Our management training programs are research-backed courses that support leaders and develop the core leadership skills and competencies needed to succeed in their roles. At the Center for Creative Leadership, our management training programs help leaders at every level better understand themselves and provide direction, create alignment, and boost commitment across boundaries and functions.

At CCL, our middle manager training programs give mid-level leaders the chance to develop the skills, understanding, and clarity needed to thrive and advance in their careers. We offer a variety of engaging solutions that suit your organization’s unique needs, including our flagshipLeadership Development Program (LDP)®, the longest-running program of its kind in the world.

Middle managers must be trained and developed in 6 key leadership skillsneeded to succeed, which include thinking and acting systemically, resiliency, communication, influence, learning agility, and self-awareness.

More questions? Our experts are here to help. Let’s have a conversation!

Other Offerings Related to Our Middle Management Development Programs

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